Monday, June 15, 2020

Why Measuring Progress in a Job Search is Critical

Why Measuring Progress in a Job Search is Critical Conducting a job search can be an intense process that requires a lot of effort on a daily basis.  With so much energy set forth, its easy to overlook small aspects of the search that could significantly impact the process.  One aspect that could potentially have a major impact is whether or not you measure your progress.  Keeping track of how the process is moving could make a huge difference in your getting hired. Note Which Resumes Seem to Work Best for You A great way to see which resume styles get the best results is to create multiple versions of the same one and post them on different Web sites.  You can tweak which information is placed higher at the top and make subtle changes to the styles.  Then keep track of which ones seem to get the most responses.  This can help you when sending out resumes to employers seeking candidates. Determine Which Sites/Job Boards Bring the Best Results Another way to measure your progress is to sign up with a handful of generic and niche job boards for your field.  Keep track of which boards seem to have setups that bring in the most interest so that you can narrow down your options and focus on the boards that can get you hired. Keep Track of Friends Who Connect You With Opportunities If you have friends and networking associates who have connected you with great opportunities, be sure to keep track of those names.  This way you can shoot them opportunities from time to time, and even send them thank-you cards/notes for their help.  Strengthening your network relies heavily on noting who your friends are and how theyve helped you. Be Sure to Keep Track of Employer Thank-You Notes When youre busy sending out applications and resumes, going on interviews, and starting your search again, it can be difficult to keep track of all of the steps in the process, including sending out thank-you notes.  But this critical step could make or break your chances of being hired.  By keeping track of all of the companies youve interviewed with, then listing whether youve sent them a thank-you note, you can ensure you dont miss this important step. Measuring your progress can be just as important to a job search as sending out applications, connecting with your networks, and interviewing effectively.  By setting up a system to keep track of how the search is going, you can make adjustments along the way to improve your likelihood of securing your desired job. For additional tips and advice on resumes and cover letters, follow us on Twitter @GreatResume or visit our blog.

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